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If you have questions, objections, suggestions or if you want to register for one of the offered sessions. Sign up below with the help of the contact form and I will answer you as soon as possible 💯


Have you had any injuries?
Have you ever trained?
Do you take any medications?




1. How often should I train?

If we are a beginner, it is best to practice 3 times a week to start, and over time we should increase to 4 times as we progress. So let's get to about 5 times a week, which would increase the volume of training and the possibility to better divide the muscle groups during one week. The most important thing is that our technique is excellent and the effort adjusted.

4. Will I look too big if I exercise with weights and heavy weights is a question I get from girls and women?

Fear of lifting weights, thinking that we will be less feminine, that is not true, it is important for us to lift heavier weights because strength training will lead us to the desired appearance, and in women and girls the hormone estrogen is represented, so it cannot happen that they look less feminine and to have a body like that of men.

7. Do I have to warm up before heavier weights?

The most important thing before starting training is to warm up well, to have series with low weight and to gradually increase it to the working series in order to reduce the chances of injury, and this should always be done. It doesn't matter what the exercise is and what we do that day.

10. Do I have to cut out sweets?

It depends on the goal of the training that you want to achieve, and based on that, a training plan is made, then on the amount of calories you need to take in, and thus we make a diet plan to meet the required intake throughout the day.

2. What is the best thing to eat before and after training?

Before training, it would be best to have a quality meal that will give us energy, but at least one to two hours before training so that we don't feel sick and of course we don't have a full stomach during training, then after training it is very important to take water into the body to hydrate before hydrate intake with a good source of protein along with hydrates.

5. When should I do cardio?

If we want to build strength in training, we will do strength training first and then do cardio at the end of the training. If fitness is important to us, in that case we do cardio first, and then we do strength training. In order to maintain health, it is not bad to do a short cardio at the beginning to warm up the body, and at the end of the training to be a little faster and last longer.

8. Is it better to work on machines or with weights?

Both are very important, you don't need to throw anything out, everything has its benefits with the machine and with weights we can isolate muscle groups very well, so it is very important to combine both machines and bars during training.

11. How long does the training last?

The vast majority have problems with it and it is very important if someone consumes large amounts of sweets to gradually reduce their intake at first, but never to cut it out completely, that is not good. Because with a gradual reduction, our body will benefit, where it will lose weight and our body will get used to smaller amounts of sweets, which we will replace with healthy sweet foods.

3. Do I have to do sit-ups to get them?

A lot of people think if I just do abs I'll build them up and that's how we get more strength. In order for the abs to be visible, it is necessary to regulate the diet and to be in a caloric deficit, so that way we get visible abs.

6. Is stretching important?

Stretching is very important to be present, but at the end of the training itself, since we want to release all the tension in the muscles with that stretching and simply feel better and thus get more energy, if the stretching itself was before the training, then the risk of injury is high due to stretching ligaments and tendons.

9. How many meals should I have during the day?

Stretching is very important to be present, but at the end of the training itself, since we want to release all the tension in the muscles with that stretching and simply feel better and thus get more energy, if the stretching itself was before the training, then the risk of injury is high due to stretching ligaments and tendons.

 🔥Together we make your body 🔥 

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